At the University of Geneva I teach BA and MA courses
BA: Introduction to International Relations (every fall), Introduction aux Relations Internationales (every spring)
MA: International Relations and Domestic Politics (every spring), Political Economy of Foreign Aid (every fall)
I taught the following undergraduate courses at the University of Essex.
Domestic Politics and International Relations (Fall 2015, 2016)
The Politics of International Development (Spring 2016)
I have taught the following graduate and undergraduate courses at the University of Missouri, Columbia.
Graduate Seminars:
Seminar on International Organizations (Spring 2014)
Seminar in International Political Economy (Spring 2013)
Introduction to International Relations (Fall 2013; Fall 2014)
Undergraduate Seminars:
Economic Theories of International Relations (Fall 2012, 2013; Spring 2013, 2014)
Introduction to International Relations (Fall 2012)